Let's work together, earn together, be happy together...
About us
Chairman of the Board
( Hakan Yardemir )
Our main priority is to design the undertaken facility projects and then carry them out in accordance with the original design. In the projects where we are a solution partner; our team of expert engineers has a great role in the success ensured by our priorities by successfully carrying out the actions of transforming variable development into stable data with their expertise.
We also provide pre-bid consultancy and preliminary design services to investor companies . This service makes EGDAŞ exclusive . We continue our work flow systematically with our investor companies by complying with the work schedules and occupational safety rules without sacrificing quality.
We ensure the continuity of operation and prevent malfunctions with our support service after the facility is put into service.
Occupational safety is our first high priority step in our projects. Our occupational safety team at each site provides services such as training of personnel and determination of construction sites’ occupational safety measures. The safety of the projects and employees is ensured by working with staff trained in occupational safety.
We add the results of the corporate development benefits of R&D to our projects by closely following the technological developments and new products in our sector.
"Let's work together, earn together, be happy together...”
EGDAS Team Says That!
We are a team of experts, walking together towards the same goal, to our present and future, by accompanying our Founding Partners on this path that was started by them, establishing EGDAŞ in 2009.
Industrial Power Distribution Corporation", in short EGDAS, is an engineering contracting company. We undertake extensive projects that require expertise, thanks to our electrical and mechanical engineering capabilities both inland and abroad.
TWe offer services in the fields of facility maintenance, low voltage panel production, renewable energy, in addition to our ongoing electrical and mechanical contracting operations in Turkey.
Respect, which makes us who we are in every step we take, is our utmost compass both in our business and working strategy. We take innovative actions by combining the power of engineering and technology with our strategic skills for an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable world. We give priority to the goal of creating value in society while doing our job in the best way.
Key to our success is being a great team that constantly develops, follows innovations, creates value in the society, our respect for the society and the world we live in! We care about leaving valuable and permanent impressions in the world, while doing our job in the best possible way. The respect we feel for our work makes us conclude our projects with love and establish a permanent harmony with our solution partners.

Our achievements
893426 kVA
7138942 MT
7789 CELLS
We Are Revealing the Secret of Our Success

Electric, Electronics, Machinery, Engineering, Industry and Trade Corporation, in short EGDAŞ, is a specialist engineering and contracting company. The secret of our success is as follows.
- We carry out significant and successful services both inland and abroad with our experienced team in the fields of Electricity-Machinery-Instrumentation-Electronics.
- Our main priority is to design the undertaken facility projects and then carry them out in accordance with the original design. For this purpose, we have a wide, competent and self-proven engineering team.
- We also provide pre-bid consultancy and preliminary design services to investor companies . We believe that this service makes EGDAŞ exclusive and eligible.
- We establish harmonious relations with our investor companies by complying with the work schedules and occupational safety rules without sacrificing quality.
- We ensure the continuity of operation and prevent malfunctions with our continuous support service after the facility is put into service.
- We pay attention to occupational safety. The fact that we have occupational safety teams working at each site show the importance we attach to this issue.
- Our dedicated, determined and steady work increases our strength and enthusiasm. Our principled work always keeps our performance at the highest level and paves the way for us to walk fast and confidently to the future.
- We closely follow the newest technologies and products, and we build up and grow each passing day by exceeding our limits.

Quality Policy
EGDAŞ is a company which prepares projects that best meet the needs and expectations of its customers by considering the cost-benefit balance first, placing its customers at the focal point of its employees' understanding of quality, aiming to continuously enhance and grow its customers without compromising from respect to humanity and the environment
Customer Satisfaction
Providing quality services, determining the needs on the site and providing customer satisfaction by presenting the most effective projects are among the principle goals of EGDAŞ.
Customer Orientation
EGDAŞ fulfils the needs of its customers, who always deserve the best, by accurately analysing the demands of its customers and providing cost effective and feasible projects.
Increased Responsiveness
EGDAŞ offers fast and effective solutions to the enterprises by considering their problems as its own.
High Quality Service
EGDAŞ fulfils the needs of its customers by applying globally accepted standards in all of its projects.
Ethical Values
Sincerity and integrity is EGDAŞ's basic principle. Self-confidence, honesty, team spirit, solidarity and social sensitivity are among the common values of EGDAŞ, which adopts a management style that is open, transparent, accountable and following ethical rules.
EGDAŞ gains the trust of its customers by taking part in decent projects, working with the leading manufacturers of the sector and fulfilling its commitments on time.

Our Procurement Processes
In order to meet our customer commitments, we work with material, service and subcontractor suppliers who can continuously improve and increase our procurement process of quality materials suitable for our project. All outsourced resources are purchased from the suppliers whom our team believes that we can establish a long-term solution partnership with.
Our Purchasing Process Performance Management System evaluates suppliers on the basis of negotiation, cost, quality, logistics and technology criteria. According to the evaluation results, eligible suppliers are determined and further improvements are requested from those companies. We work hypercritically to deliver the project at its best.

EGDAS’S Dynamic Team
We work hard to create positive value in all our areas of activity by establishing sustainable relationships with our concept of reliable and quality service. In all stages of the contract, each department devotedly conveys its experience to the project.
Self-improvement of the people in our team successively effects our organization. The success of one affects the other and we, as a harmonious team, together succeed.
Our team spirit, formed by our colleagues who have adopted the principle of unity in the way of success, who are highly motivated, devoted to their work, cheerful, dedicated, synergetic is our guarantee on the projects we commit.